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draw graph

decide either to create simple bar graph,,,or grouped line graph. even compound line graph | Create a bar graph online

welcome again. design your desired simple bar graph, values and years you can choose whatever. this is a part of statistics in geography, remember that: a graph must have X and Y axis. must have values and key. but you can choose values to be production of crops, and years to represent the mathematics will be perfomed because simple bar graph we consider required values unlike to divergent graph

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Bar graph maker

Bar chart maker online.

Graph title:
Horizontal axis label:
Vertical axis label:
Horizontal aina ya data:
Data labels:
Number of bars:
Bar1 data values:
Bar2 data values:
Bar3 data values:
Bar4 data values:
Bar5 data values:
Bar6 data values:
Horizontal bars:


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